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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Testing Out the Models-1

   After we researched about different types of catapult models, we wanted to test them. So we bought three kits of catapults: the trebuchet model, the mangonel model, and the Da Vinci model. 
   We had a question: Which catapult will have the best performance considering the distance and height that projectiles are thrown, the consistency of the catapults, and the launching force of each catapult? Which Projectile will have the best performance considering the same variables?
After coming up with the question,we hypothesized that the trebuchet would have the greatest projectile height and accuracy/consistency, the mangonel would have the greatest distance, and the Da Vinci model would have the greatest potential energy.
I will talk about the detailed procedures of our experiment in our next post, Testing Out the Models-2.

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