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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Catapult Analysis

The mangonel established itself as the catapult with the most range, as it surpassed both the Da Vinci model and the trebuchet when it came to distance. The Da Vinci model did not do too much worse, it still performed considerably better than the trebuchet. The trebuchet did come in last, for it sacrificed distance for height. When it comes to height, the trebuchet did show the highest reaching trajectory, with the Da Vinci model and the mangonel not performing nearly as well. As for launching force, the mangonel did surprisingly worse than its counterparts, who had similar launching forces, with the Da Vinci model a little bit ahead of the trebuchet. The consistencies of the mangonel and Da Vinci model were pretty similar, but the trebuchet's consistency in distance, height, and launching force was considerably worse. The mangonel did outperform the Da Vinci model by a bit, making it the most consistent catapult. Rather than looking at the individual performance of each catapult for each test, we looked at the overall performance of each catapult, and decided that the trebuchet's performance in the average distance, height, and launching force earned the top spot.

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