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Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Projectile Analysis

It is impossible for us to pick the best projectile in terms of the amount of damage it caused, because you have to factor in the speed of the projectile, the mass, the density (hardness), surface area, force it hits the target, and etc. We simply had no equipment to measure this.
However, it is quite simple just to measure the distance and the height each projectile flew.
The lightest object, the plastic hollow ball, flew the farthest. Newton's third law of motion was thus proven, since the lightest object flew the farthest and the heaviest object (the large marble) flew the least when the same force was applied to them. For height, it was similar between the plastic hollow ball, small marble, and die. 
But it must be noted that these ranges of each projectile isn't everything, because a ping pong ball that flies 5,000 light-years through space isn't going to do that much damage unless the velocity is way over 1,000 mph.

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